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Transforming Floating Theater


Ensuring maximum accessibility for Russian citizens to cultural goods is one of the indicators of improving the quality of life of Russians. The opportunity to visit a theater is of great importance for the formation of a high level of cultural environment in a city, region, and country as a whole

At the present time in Russia 18.8% of settlements with the status of urban settlements and urban districts (hereinafter referred to as cities) have their own theaters. There are practically no theaters in Russian cities with a population of less than 50 thousand people (12 theaters per 637 cities).

Based on the research it can be concluded that in small towns of Russia it is necessary to expand the availability of theatrical art for different groups of the population.

And for this purpose it is necessary to create a socio-cultural cluster, an accessible space and a spiritual and moral environment so that the cultural exchange would become richer and the feeling of cultural isolation would disappear. So that there is an opportunity to demonstrate the best artistic achievements, to introduce provincial residents to the work of the leading masters of the stage in the capitals, and to expand the theatrical offer.

I believe that it is necessary to create a floating theater, which can be delivered to any point of the country. 

In this case the problem of lack of theaters in small towns located along the Volga River (the pearl cities of the Volga Golden Ring - Plyos, Kostroma, Myshkin, Uglich) is solved. The river flows through several cities, and thus with the help of a floating theater you can solve the problem of cultural isolation of cities in the shortest possible time.

 Floating theater is moored to the shore of the city for a short period of time, quickly assemble or disassemble the structure, to present a theatrical production, light show or exhibition. And, then sails onward to other cities on the Volga River. Theater promotes the inclusion of city residents in the cultural space as quickly as possible.

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